The MOOC - Active self-regulated learning is specifically targeted for university students 👨🏽‍🎓interested to improve their ability to organize their learning strategies.

However, teachers 👩🏻‍🏫 could also find useful sources to re-use in their educational practices.

In this course you will learn to:

a) Self-regulate learning processes:

- be self-responsible and acquire self-disciplined;

- to plan and organize your own learning;

- self-disciplined and pro-active.

b) Self-reflect on your learning experiences

- reflect on your learning process;

- be constructive towards the learning goals.

Before starting the MOOC, you are required to take a quiz, that you consider as a way to pre-assess your skills. According to the score obtained, you will be suggested to start from the foundation level, intermediate level or advanced level. In each level, you will read texts, e-books or PDFs, watch videos and forums. Once all the tasks are completed, you will complete an e-assessment in order to obtain a badge that certifies your skills. You will receive your badge by email in approximately 24 hours.

When to start Intermediate Level? First window

16th of March: This is a suggested date to start the level. If you want, you can start a little bit earlier (not later). In any case, you should wait until the 19th of March to participate in the group formation activity (it is mandatory if you want to finish the level and take the badge).

18th of March 23.59 pm CET time: You have to fill in the group formation questionnaire. If you don't manage to respect the deadline, they are invited to participate in the Second Window Intermediate level (see the dates below)

From the 19th to the 22nd of March: This is the suggested period to participate in the group discussion forums.

When to start Advanced Level? First window

23rd of March to 6th of April 23.59 pm: You have to create your e-portfolio and upload it. If you don't manage to respect the deadline, you are invited to participate in the Second Window Advanced level.

7th of April to the 20th of April 23.59: You have to assess peers' e-portfolio and upload the peer-assessment on Moodle.

When to start Intermediate Level? Second window

20th of April: This is a suggested date to start the level. If you want, you can start a little bit earlier (not later). In any case, you should wait until the 23rd of April to participate in the group formation activity (mandatory if you want to finish the level and take the badge).

22nd of April 23.59 pm CET time: You have to fill in the group formation questionnaire. 

From the 23rd to the 26th of April: This is the suggested period to participate in the group discussion forums.

2nd Window - Advanced level Level

From 27 April to 11th of May 23.59 pm: You have to create your e-portfolio and upload it on Moodle. 

12th of April to the 25th of May 23.59: You have to assess peers' e-portfolio and upload the peer-assessment on Moodle.

This section is intended to assist participants in deciding which of
the levels of the "MOOC Active self-regulated learning" to take.
In this MOOC you will learn:
1. to define self-regulation and provide real examples;
2. to distinguish the different steps in the self-regulated learning cycle (plan and set goals, use strategies and monitor performance, reflect on performance, adapt);
3. the three theoretical concepts behind self-regulation (cognition, metacognition, and motivation).
In this MOOC, you will learn to:
- identify the steps towards self-regulated learning that build upon each other
- provide different examples of self-regulated learning;
- formulate some strategies for self-monitoring and reflection for a given problem.
In this MOOC, you will learn:
- the neuroscientific executive functioning system related to self-regulated learning.
- the three-layered model of self-regulated learning;
- the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, and strategies to move towards a growth mindset.
- how Personal Learning Environments can support self-regulated learning skills.
- to self-regulate your learning process for a given problem.